Product Instructions

Marvel Avengers: Endgame Power Punch Hulk 13.75-Inch Action Figure

Marvel Avengers: Endgame Power Punch Hulk 13.75-Inch Action Figure

Marvel (E3313)

Marvel Avengers: Endgame Power Punch Hulk 13.75-Inch Action Figure

Marvel Avengers: Endgame Power Punch Hulk 13.75-Inch Action Figure

File Size : 2.22 MB


布魯斯‧班納再次變身為復仇者聯盟中最強壯也最憤怒的英雄 – 浩克。這一次,綠巨人穿上了戰衣,擁有了新裝備!這款大力拳浩克人偶身上精巧細緻的戰衣和手套,完美還原了《復仇者聯盟:終局之戰》的造型。 《復仇者聯盟:終局之戰》為漫威復仇者系列電影的最新章,前作包括票房冠軍《復仇者聯盟:無限之戰》。漫威影視宇宙英雄有浩克、蜘蛛人、鋼鐵人、驚奇隊長和黑豹等。粉絲和收藏者可透過收集《復仇者聯盟:終局之戰》玩具,想像自己最愛的角色在保衛宇宙的史詩級戰爭中大顯身手。 這款13.75吋浩克大力拳人偶內建超過 20 種取自《復仇者聯盟:終局之戰》的音效和台詞。浩克的後拉放手出拳動作就如同電影裡一樣,粉絲可想像綠巨人和復仇者夥伴一同對抗星際軍閥薩諾斯。 2019 漫威版權所有。 孩之寶及所有相關名稱均為孩之寶的商標。 

Some of our vintage or prior versions of toy and game instructions may be more difficult to decipher or have less clarity. If you have any concerns or questions please contact our Consumer Care department at

Marvel Avengers: Endgame Power Punch Hulk 13.75-Inch Action Figure

Marvel Avengers: Endgame Power Punch Hulk 13.75-Inch Action Figure

File Size : 2.22 MB


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