Transformers (80911)
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In the distant future, the evil UNICRON wages a final war for ultimate control of the Universe, summoning a vast army of DECEPTICON forces from across time and space. Responding quickly, OPTIMUS PRIMAL gathers his own army of heroic AUTOBOT forces and marches into battle against the aggressors. As the enemy sides clash in the biggest war the Universe has ever seen, their bodies emit a powerful radiation known as Energon. Little do they know that UNICRON is secretly harvesting this mysterious force to increase his own strength! The battle for the Universe continues with the evil NEMESIS STRIKA! Change this fearsome foe from six-wheeled attack vehicle to robot and back! Real working wheels convert to spinning turbofans in robot mode! Twin shoulder-mounted rocket launchers threaten AUTOBOT targets! As the Universe trembles, the battle carries on, and you decide who triumphs! Action figure comes with instructions.
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File Size : 2.41 MB
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