Baby Alive (C2688)
Baby Alive Baby Go Bye Bye
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There's many ways to play with the Baby Go Bye Bye doll! Better keep an eye on her&because she crawls and talks -- wow, watch her go! Mommies or daddies can tickle her tummy and she crawls over. Shake her adorable rattle and she crawls when she hears it. Kids can take her along in the included carrier for on-the-go adventures. Also, feed her by filling her bottle with tap water&and, ut oh! Change her diaper after she wets! Talk to her and she'll babble back -- she speaks over 30 sounds and phrases in English or Spanish to share lots of lively and giggly moments. Brush and style her rooted hair before and after she crawls too. Its a fun day of play while taking care of baby!
Includes doll, outfit, carrier, bottle, diaper, rattle, brush, and instructions
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File Size : 919.92 KB
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