Hasbro Games (F6420)
Clue Board Game, Mystery Games for 2-6 Players, Family Games for Kids Ages 8 and Up
Dateigröße : 9.77 MB
Who killed Boddy Black? Solve the mystery in this suspenseful Clue board game! When 6 guests arrive at Boden Black’s mansion, none are certain what to expect. But when their host turns up dead after revealing a sinister blackmail scheme, the pressure is on. Race against the other players to crack the case by gathering clues and narrowing down choices. Each player tracks their clues in a detective notepad and eliminates information to sleuth out who killed Mr. Black, where in the mansion they did it, and what weapon was used. Roll a magnifying glass icon? Draw a Clue card to add to the intrigue! A player might open a new secret passage or get to name a weapon they want revealed. Be the first to make the correct accusation and win the game! This Clue murder mystery game is beautifully reimagined with a dazzling cast of characters, luxurious setting, and fresh storyline. It's a fun game for families, friends, mystery fans, and kids ages 8 and up! Clue and all related characters are trademarks of Hasbro.
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Dateigröße : 9.77 MB
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