Play-Doh (F7370)
Set sail for imaginary adventures with the Play-Doh Pirate Adventure Ship! This kids playset comes with a toy ship and 7 additional pieces for super storytelling possibilities. Put some Play-Doh compound under the ship's deck and press down to make "waves" come out the back; use the half-molds on the ship to create a decorative sail, pieces of treasure, and more! Kids can build out their pirate adventure world using the pirate figure and fish molds, the treasure chest, and the cannon extruder with a sword-shaped rail to make different shapes. With 5 cans of Play-Doh compound, including a can of gold for making treasure and 4 dual-color cans, these toys for 3 year old girls and boys and up make great gifts for kids who love pirate toys. Hasbro, Play-Doh, and all related properties are trademarks of Hasbro.
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